Mon 27 Jan
★Now in Little Rock★ 【HotWhiteBlonde】 █200Hour█★ █Vip300█ 【】 ⇛214-603-1616 - 21
(Little Rock, ★Downtown★ 4StarHotel ██ 7DaysOnly██)
Sweetness Xtacy Pleasure Palace (42.50) Special - 23
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff and surrounding areas)
((((Classy {} Beautiful {}Southern {} Lady Companion near Pine Bluff{}))))))))) - 35
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff and ALL surrounding areas)
✴✴✴ SWEET CASEY ✴✴HOME in PINE BLUFF!!!✴✴ ✴✴ NOW!!✴✴✴❇❇✴✴✴ - 42
(Little Rock, PiNe BLUFF & SURDING Your place or mine)
😋👅📢Immm Baaaaack Katies Are You Tired Of Fake Chicks & Imaginary Pics😋👅📢 Specials$$$$$$ - 25
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff)
🕚HAPPY HOUR TODAY in PINE BLUFF 11 TIL 3 🕒💄👒👠 BeauTiFuL ClaSsY MiLf!!!!💎👡💄 - 42
(Little Rock, PiNe BLufF& SRRND Your place or mine!!!)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥CAUTiON⚠️❌ ⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E ✨✨ 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Sweet Like Candy 💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff n surrounding)
SIOMONE- 2 worlds can make A diffrence,the very best of both. . b ready when u call.. no excepti - 25
(Little Rock)
5014142483. NO 🕤🕘Clock Watching" PRETTYFullY LoADeD✔ M🅾Nster LaDyW👀D⛅ I Wont Tell☝ - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock/All surrounding area)
YoUr SeXy SuNdAy SeCrEt!! InCaLL & OuTCaLL !!!! - 36
Sweet, Sexy, Petite Super Freak Aleak! Best Around Come Get It While Its Hot!l - 25
(Little Rock, pine bluff)
◄•••• ஐRiveting, Rare , Redhead available in Pine Bluff ♥ ஐ •••• ► - 42
(Little Rock, pine bluff today only !!! march 31.)
**** PINE BLUFF CaSeY SeXy LaDy ** UpScALe ReSiDeNtIaL InCaLL ** VeRiFieD!!! - 39
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff InCall OutCall)
★ (*°௵o ☆Smokin Hot Redhead ☆ *°௵o) pine bluff today only ! - 42
(Little Rock, pine bluff today only !!! march 31.)
New # 💋💋8705409594coco🍮🍮 chek my video📹 70$$ specials 24/7💸💸💵💵 - 22
(Little Rock, Wlr nlr conway jacksonville Pine Bluff)
❄🌀⭐⚡💥🌟💫⚡💢💥💫🌟 🌀⭐❄⚡🌟💫💥💢⚡ Magestics Magical Momments ❄ 🌀⭐❄⚡💢💥💫🌟🌀⭐❄⚡ 💢💥💫🌟💫💥💢⚡ - 25
(Little Rock, pine bluff)
💖 💗 💘 💙 💚 💛 LITTLE ROCK incalls/outcalls ANYWHERE! 💖 💗 💘 💙 💚 💛 💜 💝 - 35
☀☀🎀☀☀ ☀☁☀☀🎀🎀🎀☁ ☁☁☁☁☁☁🎀🎀☁☁🎀 ☁Majestics Sensational Sports Positions! 100%% Real☀☀☀☀☀🎀☀☀ ☀☁☀☀ - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
ஐ HOT* Sweet* Petite* Brunette ஐ Indain* Baby* Doll ஐ 60$ Weekend Specials - 25
(North Little Rock / PINE Bluff)
{FaNtAsY FuLFiLlInG BeAuTy AvAiLaBlE NoW, ALL DaY & EvEnInG near PiNe BlUfF!!!! - 36
Hey Immmm Back:) Come Let Anna Be Your Fantasy Specials $$$$$¢ - 25
(In pine bluff area, Little Rock)
💗💓CaSeY 💞BeAuTiFuL BuStY BLonDe 💗PiNe BLuFF💗 OuTsTaNDiNg ReViEwS❗️❗️E.C. & P4 & VeRiFiEd - 40
(Little Rock, 💋 💋💋💋PINE BLUFF INCALL & OUTCALLS ❗️❗️❗️)
💋💋❤️ CaSeY SaFe EsTaBLiShed WeLL KnoWn ProViDeR‼️ 💋 HiGhLy ReVieWeD & E.C. & P4 VeRiFieD - 41
(Little Rock, ❤️❤️PINE BLUFF In/Out Call Anywhere Outc)
(((( Caseys special !! Today & Tonight******* Only!!!!!! ******100hr near Pine Bluff!)))))) - 36
(Little Rock, in/out Pine Bluff/Travel to you)
AvAiLaBLe in PINE BLUFF All DaY, NiGhT & EaRlY MoRn In/Out CaLL!!!!! - 38
(Little Rock, MY PLACE OR YOURS!!!!)
😊😁😂😃Are you tired of Pic Thieves and Fake Girls😊😂😁😃 I'm 100 percent Real 👍👍👍 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
☺😉Are You Tired Of Fake Pics And Katie ☺Wannabies? I'm 😊All U Need Satisfaction Guaranteed 😃😊 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
***A GeNtLeMaN's LaDy ******* €CCIE ReVieWeD & VeRiFieD** !!! - 38
(Little Rock, Little Rock, Pine Bluff & surrounding)
💋💋💋‼️ CASEY‼️PINE BLUFF QV Special LiMiTeD TIMe ONLy‼️ - 41
(Little Rock, ‼️‼️‼️‼️PINE BLUFF QV Special ‼️‼️)
💖 💗 💘 💙 💚 💛 AVAILABLE 4pm-midnight! IN/OUT ANYWHERE! 💖 💗 💘 💙 💚 💛 💜 💝 - 35
(4PM-MIDNIGHT! IN/OUT!!, Little Rock)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ SWEET CASEY ❤️❤️❤️❤️ PINE BLUFF ‼️ - 41
(Little Rock, 💋PIne Bluff Residential Incall / Outcall)
$100 SPECIALS!!! Bring a friend....MS KITTY! That's me the new CAT in town! - 33
(Little Rock, where u need me 2 b)
💋Exotic With Big Breast & Nice Ass💋 - 38
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Pine bluff)
Need To Relax! To Be Pampered ? Call NOw for THe Ultimate Sensual Full BOdy Massage - 37
(Little Rock, nlr ,sheridan , pine bluff, lr, surround)
Come Escape from dAY TO day with my Soft SOothing Hands and Magical Touch! NOw in southern Ark - 35
(Little Rock, in out monticello southern ark)
🌹💋 YouR** SwEeT** DiScReTe* ** SuNdAy TrEaT 💕 E.C. VeRiFieD & ReVieWeD - 40
((((Classy {} Beautiful {}Southern {} Lady Companion near Pine Bluff{}))))))))) - 35
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff and ALL surrounding areas)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥CAUTiON⚠️❌ ⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E ✨✨ 🍭🍭🍭🍭 Sweet Like Candy 💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff n surrounding)
No games, No wait, No rush.... Just Call Me *Barbie* - 25
(Little Rock, Jacksonville ar, little rock ar areas)
💗💓SWeeT CaSey💗PiNe BLuFF💗 OuTsTaNDiNg ReViEwS❗️❗️E.C. & P4 & VeRiFiEd - 40
(Little Rock, 💋 💋💋💋PINE BLUFF INCALL & OUTCALLS ❗️❗️❗️)
Spirits Olympic División 🎾⚾⚽⚾🏉🎳🏈🏀⚽🎱🏉Check Out My Flexible Sports Positions🏀⚽⚾🎱🏉🎳🎾🏈 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
💗💓SeXy UpScALe BrEaThTaKiNg BeAuTy 💗PiNe BLuFF💗 OuTsTaNDiNg ReViEwS❗️❗️E.C. & P4 & VeRiFiEd - 40
(Little Rock, 💋 💋💋💋PINE BLUFF INCALL & OUTCALLS ❗️❗️❗️)
*** Sassy in Southern Ark Monday Jan 24 and Tues Jan 25th * New full body pic Highly Reviewed - 33
(central ark)
Saturday Morning SpecialYour Now Entering Bad Bitch Central! ⚡✨🔥👍! - 25
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff area)
Playful * Curvy * ExTremely AddICting ReDhead NOw IN Southern Ark !!! - 34
(Little Rock, monticello pine bluff dumas southern ark)
**** PINE BLUFF CaSeY SeXy LaDy ** UpScALe ReSiDeNtIaL InCaLL ** VeRiFieD!!! - 39
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff InCall OutCall)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
💋Exotic With Big Breast & Nice Ass💋 - 38
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Pine bluff)
Sat 11 Jan
👅💜💕😋 Team No Sleep👅💕💜 No Rush Policy👅💜😝 Specials$$$ Specials$$$ Specials$$$💜😍💕 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff)
💋💋❤️ CaSeY BuStY BeAuTy SaFe EsTaBLiShed WeLL KnoWn ProViDeR‼️ 💋 HiGhLy ReVieWeD & E.C. & P4 VeRiFieD - 41
(Little Rock, ❤️❤️PINE BLUFF In/Out Call Anywhere Outc)
🎈🎉🎈🎌🔮🔮🎌🔮Majestics Sports Positions💝🎃🎈🎊🎉🎌🎌🔮🎐🎄🎆🎁🎁🔮 - 25
(Jonesboro, Little Rock, little rock, pine bluff)
*~Ms Thickness! Serving All Cities!!~* Specials *~ 24/7 *~ Big Booty Ebony Cutie *~ Specials *~ 24/7 - 25
(Will Travel Anywhere!)
Fri 10 Jan
💓YoUr UpScALe SeXy BeAuTy CaSeY is BaCk in PiNe BLuFf VeRiFiEd and OuTsTaNdInG ReViEwS - 40
(Little Rock, 💋💋PiNe BLuFF InCaLL & OutCall 💋💋💋💋💋)
****Daily Specials **Busty Ebony Princess **Sexy **Specials!!!! ** 24 Hrs!!!!**** - 22
AvAiLaBLe in PINE BLUFF All DaY, NiGhT & EaRlY MoRn In/Out CaLL!!!!! - 38
(Little Rock, MY PLACE OR YOURS!!!!)
((((Treat Yourself Today!!!!!!! Come Play with Me!!!!! in S. Arkansas))))) - 36
(Little Rock, outcall Pine Bluff in and out)
💕Bright Skinned💕Beauty🍭Long legs✔Small waist✔ 💎BiG💎Ass🍑Booty✨🌠 🌅Certified🚗💨Call now📱🎶in LR - 22
(Little Rock, Pine bluff,Mcghee In youR Area NOW🚗💨)
Thu 09 Jan
🌹💋 YouR** SwEeT** DiScReTe* ** SuNdAy TrEaT 💕 E.C. VeRiFieD & ReVieWeD - 40
((((Treat Yourself Today!!!!!!! Come Play with Me!!!!! in S. Arkansas))))) - 36
(Little Rock, outcall Pine Bluff in and out)
😊😁😂😃Are you tired of Pic Thieves and Fake Girls😊😂😁😃 I'm 100 percent Real 👍👍👍 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
Come dry off with CEntral Ark Fav Redhead Gorgeous __ Hot _ Redhead _32DDS & bubble booty 80/hr - 37
(Little Rock, lr ,nlr , pine bluff , sheridan ,surroun)
☀☀🎀☀☀ ☀☁☀☀🎀🎀🎀☁ ☁☁☁☁☁☁🎀🎀☁☁🎀 ☁Majestics Sensational Sports Positions! 100%% Real☀☀☀☀☀🎀☀☀ ☀☁☀☀ - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
Wed 08 Jan