Mon 27 Jan
❥The REALEST girl on here! GOT CLASS WITH ALOT OF..... ALWAYS available! - 22
(Little Rock, HS-BENTON-LR-NLR-will travel!)
There's Nothing Wrong with Wanting Me...I'm Hard to Resist... - 36
❤✨❤✨ The Original DREAM GIRL❤✨❤✨➡ Re@l Hottie➡ Highly SKILLED➡ Available NOW!! - 21
(Little Rock, LR, NLR, Surrounding areas)
*Pick Me **ITS MS.MIA **TexT Me* SPECIALS 50/60 !! OUTCALL only youtube me - 22
(Little Rock, lr, conway, nlr, wlr, surrounding areas)
(( ★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★ )) __*1OO% REAL*__ (( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) - 34
(Little Rock, nlr ,lr cabot private incall)
❤✨❤✨ Dream Girl✨❤✨❤➡ Real Hottie➡ HIGHLY SKILLED➡ Available Now!! - 21
(Little Rock, LR, NLR, Conway surrounding areas)
(¯`'•.¸~★.•´¯) DISCREET !UNRUSHED! UNFORGETABLE ! (¯`'•.¸~★.•´¯) - 21
(Little Rock, LR,NLR,Sherwood)
Actions Speak Louder than Words. Guarenteed Satisfaction!! - 19
❤✨❤✨ Dream Girl✨❤✨❤➡ Real Hottie➡ HIGHLY SKILLED➡ Available Now!! - 21
(Little Rock, lr, nlr, surrounding areas)
☆ = • • ❥ 1OO % SexXy & REAL! °•★ (Simply AMAZiNG) ABSoLUT€ BoMBSH€LL•°• ♥ - 22
(Little Rock, NLR ~ LR (Incall & Residential Outcalls))
* * * > > > Allie is up all night long waiting for you to call!! < < < * * * - 19
~ ~ ~ { { { * 2Girl Specials Available All Day Long * } } } ~ ~ ~ - 19
Allie wants to have some late night fun with YOU!! Call now - 19
❤✨❤✨ Dream Girl✨❤✨❤➡ REAL Hottie➡ HiGHLY SiLLED✨ Available now! - 21
(Little Rock, LR l, NLR, Conway, surrounding areas)
Males, Females, Couples - Wow Me Sessions By Ripped Body Ultra Sexy Sensual White Male - 28
(Conway, LR, NLR, Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
💅🏽👄💄💋North central AR area👄👅💋💅🏽Sexy BBW beauty👑👑👑 - 35
(Little Rock, North Central AR! Can come anywhere!)
INTOWN TODAY Only💦💯 Young, Sexy, Classy and ready to play😍🔥 available now - 22
(Little Rock, LR NLR Conway and any surrounding areas)
🍒❤️Appointments Available Now!! 🍒💄UPSCALE 💋✅ Best Kept SECRET🤐 🍒Lets Hang Out💕💋✅ - 23
(Little Rock, LR/NLR)
Im BaCk!! 👀Julie👀ReADy NoW 💎Classy, Upscale Companion💎INS & OUTS🍷ThE GeNtLeMaNs PaCKaGe 🍷 - 29
(Little Rock, OUTS LR, nlr and surrounding areas)
☆YOur DREAMS will be in a NEW location for 2day!♥_ E Y E_C A N D Y_♥ - 21
Your evening in isn't complete, until you've spent it with me - 22
*** Wild Sexy Erotic Daily Specials *** Super Wild Saturday Specials***Call Me*** - 33
(lr,nlr , surrounding areas)
* When Only The Very Best Will Do ! * $100/hr all day Complete Stress Relief * Complete Relaxation - 33
(incall lr,nlr,jax surrounding areas)
When Only The Very Best Will Do ! Open Minded * Verified * Dont MIss Out Call Now ! New Pics - 33
(Little Rock, nlr,lr central ark)
♥ Wh3n I'm GOOD... I'M R3@LLY GOOD.... Wh3n I'm B@D ... I'M 3V3N B3TT3R ♥ - 21
☆( UPSCALE ) ☆( SEXY) ☆ ( BOMBSHELL ) ☆(( SPECIALS )) ☆NEW PICS!! - 22
(Little Rock, LR, Jacksonville, Sherwood, NLR,Bryant)
TRUE °**° DEFIN ITION °*OF*° SEXXXY °☆ - 23 - 23
(* P L U S H !nCaLL! * LR/NLR Area)
Thick Curvy RedHead Visiting LR/NLR 5/17 to 5/17 - 34
(Little Rock, in call/outcall central ark 24/7)
Who Wants To Have a 3xotic FANTASY time with a YELLOW bone (out calls) - 24
* When Only The Very Best Will Do ! Call Now ! *(Sassys New No *)All Day Friday Specials !!! - 33
(incall lr,nlr,jax surrounding areas)
»-(¯`v´¯) MiRRoR MiRRoR oN The WaLL WhoSee Thee SeXiesT MiXeD cHiCk Of aLL »=-=-(-¯ - 20 - 20
◆Whatever she can do I can do BETTER! 100% Independent ◆ 100 % Real piXs Available NOW - 21
(All over 24/7 ✈)
VoLuPtUoUs, Sexy, BUSTY BiG BoOtY KiLlEr CuRvEs Redhead *NeW PiCs - 33
(Little Rock, incall/outcall nlr, lr benton jax)
☆( UPSCALE ) ☆( ELITE ) ☆ ( BOMBSHELL ) ☆(( 1OO SPECIALS )) ☆ - 22
(Little Rock, LR, Jacksonville, Sherwood, NLR,Bryant)
~~~~ WARNING !! ~~~~ 2 HOT 4 U 2 Handle !! ~~~~~ Sexy Petite Ebony Beauty ~~~ Up Late & Ready 2 Play - 20
(Little Rock, Lr, Nlr, Anywhere!)
Visiting SOuthern Beauty * Voluptous * Playful * All About You !! 100/hr specials - 36
(Little Rock, nlr /lr surrounding areas)
Visiting Busty Southern Beauty 4/11 to 4/12 - 34
(Little Rock, incall/outcall lr nlr surrounding areas)
THiCk , SExY InDePeNdEnT! WiTh KilLeR CuRvEs - 33
(Little Rock, incall lr,nlr,jax surrounding areas)
sWeeTeSt TABOO made all for YOU.. EroTic DReAms come true. MONALISA - 27
(Little Rock, LR/NLR/Jville/CAB/Bry/Benton/Maumelle)
Super Soaker Ebony Barbie is all Wet & Horny (my mouth and azz is open Cum In) - 22
Sexy Jada! ****** Thick Curvy Sexy & Freaky ****** Nobody Can Do It Like I Can!! ****** 24 Hours - 25
(Lr, Nlr, Anywhere!)
SeXy, CuRvY, fReAk HeRe 4 U** 60 iNCaLl SpEcIaLs OutCaLl available** 24 hR ** - 26
(Little Rock, lr,nlr,benton,cabot,conway)
SExY * HouRglAss CuRvEs * Let Me pAMper and Spoil U * - 34
(Little Rock, incall/outcall nlr, lr benton jax)
* Sexy * Sassy Busty Redhead * Vixen Specials All Day Long - 34
(Little Rock, lr,nlr conway jax cabot)
"pure pleasure upscale" beware of these people doing ripoff scams - 66
(Little Rock, North Little ROck)
Sexy and natural! I stay ready to please! 36D-24-39! natural blond! Leaving soon! - 24
(Little Rock, Hot springs, LR, Nlr, conway)
!!!! * P R I V A T E _♥_ *U N R U S H E D _♥_ *A M A Z I N G !!! - 24
(Little Rock, Lr, Nlr, Bryant, Maumelle, Conway, Jacks)
Oh LA la .... oh LA LA... I can't wait to meet you ..... Asian & Puerto Rican - 25
(lr, nlr, jax, cabot, benton, bryant)
NEW PhOtOs! ♦ Stunning CHEROKEE Doll ♦ Reputable Reviewed Independent - 24
NLR Incalls & LR,Hot Springs,HSV,Conway outcalls&Pretty;,Short, Clean, Juicy, Flat Stomach. - 24
(Little Rock, Nlr Incalls/ Will Travel)
Ms.Mia Early Bird Specials 60/80/120 incalls only !!! Lover Girl - 21
(Little Rock, nlr lr sherwood)