Mon 27 Jan
SeXXXy Brunette + Ultra Erotic Tantric Full Body Sessions - Hosting MONDAY in Lux Studio - 28
(Conway, LR, NLR, Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
All Day and All Night - Full Body Erotic - 27
(Little Rock, Little Rock / Conway / Central, Arkansas)
Titles R Exhausting LOL - COME SEE ME - Super Hot Sessions - Athletic Sexy As Hell Brunette - 29
(Conway, Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
❤️👄💄💋💅🏽OUTCALLS ToDaY Do NOt MiSS THIS!❤️👄💋💅🏽 - 32
Sultry Saturday Sessions With Ultra Sexxxy Brunette Babe - Sensual and Always Erotic - 29
(Conway, LR, NLR, Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
Hot, Sensual, Petitie, Sexy Brunette or Ultra Hottt & Erotic 4 Hand - 27
(Little Rock, Little Rock / Conway / Central, Arkansas)
✨100% Real PiCss , Job Done w/Perfection !!!! ✨Call For Specialsss !!! 😊 - 21
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
SeXXXy Brunette + Ultra Sensual Erotic Full Body Hot Oil Sessions-Hosting Sunday-Lux Studio - 29
(Central Arkansas - Conway, NLR, LR, Little Rock)
Ultra "Make Me HOTTT" Sessions With Super Sexxxy Brunette Babe - Sensual and Always Erotic - 28
(Central Arkansas - Conway, NLR, LR, Little Rock)
Lean Ripped Muscular Male: Females, Couples, Males... - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock / Conway / Central Arkansas)
Ultra "Make Me HOTTT" Sessions With Super Sexxxy Brunette Babe - Sensual and Always Erotic - 28
(Central Arkansas - Conway, NLR, LR, Little Rock)
Eroticism - Couples and Males (Session By Sexy Lean Muscular Male) - 30
(Little Rock, Little Rock / Central, Arkansas)
SeXXXy Brunette + Ultra Erotic Tantric Full Body Sessions - Hosting MONDAY in Lux Studio - - 28
(Conway, LR, NLR, Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
DOUBLE Your Pleasure: CHOOSE Your Preference... 2 Hand OR 4 Hand Erotic *** - 30
(Little Rock, Little Rock / Conway / Central Arkansas)
COME SEE ME - Super HOTTT Sessions - Athletic Sexxxy As Hell Bombshell Brunette - Lux Hosting - 29
(Central Arkansas - Conway, NLR, LR, Little Rock)
Sexy seductive playmate ****** with (.Y.) DDDs all nite specials - 24
(Little Rock, central arkansas)
NEW NEW NEW 100% real photos discreet in call location - 22
(Little Rock, little rock central arkansas)
****CaSeY AvAiLaBlE in LiTtLe RoCk NOW ALL Day & NiGhT^€ccie ReViEwEd & VeRiFiEd - 38
(Little Rock, n.little rock)
★.•☞HoT ★.•*GoRgEOuS FrEaKY Mya and MeGaN★ #1 FeLLaS!! TiMe In Town LiMiTeD - 24
(Little Rock, West little)
Arkansas Finest!!***Back in Town!!*** Sydney Pure*** Sexy Sensual Beautiful - - 30
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
***CoMe PlaY WiTh ThiS OlDer RedHead ToNight*** - 44
(Little Rock, CENTRAL ARKANSAS(Morgan/maumelle))
Males, Females, Couples - Wow Me Sessions By Ripped Body Ultra Sexy Sensual White Male - 28
(Conway, LR, NLR, Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
No HANDS🙌🙌🙌SW👄AL👄LO👄WI👄NG You ⭕Whole & 10" SheSTick. Thick🍆CoMe SeE .HoW ReaL My Pics Are? - 26
Visiting HotSprings Tues. 3pm-1am WLR Wed. 8pm-4am Sexy, Young, Verified, & Highly Reviewed, - 26
(Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
central arkansas passable discreet sexy cd for fantasy fun - 38
(Little Rock, conway littlerock hotsprings, etc statew)
☆ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S i O N ☆ - 21
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
Your Favorite RedhEad is Back IN the Rock By Popular Demand - 34
(Little Rock, in/out lr nrl jax cabot 5/10 t0 5/11)
You Wont Find anything better than me!!! Krystal Starr! intown for short time only!501-529-111 - 26
(Little Rock, central Ar lil rock, Benton, Hot Springs)
~why SETTLE for the rest when the BEST is right HERE~ - 31
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas/Hot Springs)
ThICK SMOKIN' Hot Redhead ♥ I'm WAITING for YOU New Pictures SPecials - 33
(Little Rock, central ark (lr,nlr jax ,benton)
snowbunnie incall specials**** dont miss out **** pics are honestly really me - 20
(central little rock near shackleford)
SILLYGIRLS *** ( Headed your way ) *** SILLYGIRLS *** 3/29-4/01 *** SILLYGIRLS *** - 28
(L.R , Hot Springs, Surrounding)
Spirits Olympic División 🎾⚾⚽⚾🏉🎳🏈🏀⚽🎱🏉Check Out My Flexible Sports Positions🏀⚽⚾🎱🏉🎳🎾🏈 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine bluff)
! SEXY.!..*36DDD..Blonde... // *Reviewed!.*.& .*Recommended~~* // ***** - 39
(Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
⭐️💟⭐️💟⭐️💟⭐️ Sexy💙🔹💙🔹💙 TiGHT & SLiPPERY 💛🔸💛🔸💛 B L O N D E V i X E N ⭐️💟⭐️💟⭐️💟⭐️ - 21
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas(outcalls))
*** Sassy in Southern Ark Monday Jan 24 and Tues Jan 25th * New full body pic Highly Reviewed - 33
(central ark)
( ( RADy!! ) )Telena SeXy BruneTTe Bombshell. ¦- £ÕV£Y - ¦ HoT - ¦ - SeCReTs Uplate - 18
(central little rock)
◆S♦E♦X◆Y♦♦◆S T U N N I N G◆♦♦♦♦◆◆♦♦◆ E♦X♦O◆T♦I♦C ◆♦◆♦♦◆♦♦◆ M◆A♦S♦T◆E♦R ♦P◆I♦E♦C◆E ◆♦♦ NEW PVT INCALL - 30
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
◆S♦E♦X◆Y♦◆S T U N N I N G◆◆NEW PHONE♦◆ E♦X♦O◆T♦I♦C ◆♦◆♦♦◆♦♦◆ M◆A♦S♦T◆E♦R ♦P◆I♦E♦C◆E ◆♦♦ HOME NOW!!! - 30
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
(-:(-:(-:==SEXY, Southern beauty, looking for FUN and YOU!== :-) :-)! - 21
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
§ ♥ § Playtime is right NOW ♥ Can u handle this? ♥ Ali * Cat's Ready § ♥ § - 28
(Hot Springs, Little Rock, Central Ar)
°•★•° —S - E - X - Y — °•★•° —B E A U T Y — w/ a KaRdAsHiAn Type BOOTY ! LAST FEW HOURS HERE!! - 30
(Little Rock, Central Arkansas)
Sun 12 Jan
~~LiKe To PlaY??So Do We!!! So CoMe On OuT aNd SeE Us!!!~~ - 41
MoNDaY MoRnInG SPecIaLs🍒 Upscale Incall🍒 Julie🍭 THE 1& OnLY GeNtLeMAnS ChOIcE🍭 - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock, incall)